hi, some mods : Diezel mod: C35 : remove C34 .047uF C25 : remove these three mods remove harsh C42 1uf D3 DEL D4 1n4001 ------ make the sound more dynamic and full C36 .1uf----- EQ more usefull Boogie/Bogner mod: C35 a enlever C34 .047uF C36 1uF D3 led D4 1n4001 EN PLUS: R46 increase values, more pre-distortion + mids R41 reduce value you obtain more distortion (470ohms to start) Mods don't have the same sound of diezel amp or Bogner amp, but it can be better tant the stock sound. Keeley mod: C20 .22uf c42 .1uf c37 , c39 , c17 , c11 1uf c8 .22uf c9 .1uf c20 .22uf d3 , d4 LED