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Oι Beatles στην Ελλάδα το '67 για αγορά νησιού!


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The Beatles had tried in 1964 to buy the 14-acre (57,000 m2) Trinity Island, off the coast of the Greek island of Euboea (resembling a guitar in shape) but the owners were not interested in a sale. Lennon was still interested in The Beatles buying or leasing an island to live on together, and discussed it with the other Beatles on 19 July 1967. Mardas' father was a major in the Greek secret police, and Mardas explained that through him The Beatles would have access to Greek government connections, which would speed the acquisition of an island, as many islands did have the right certificates of ownership and were subject to government restrictions. On 22 July 1967, Harrison and his wife, Pattie Boyd, Ringo Starr and Neil Aspinall flew to Athens, where they stayed in Mardas' parents' house overnight until Lennon, his wife and son, McCartney and Jane Asher, Pattie Boyd's 16-year-old sister, Paula, Mal Evans and Alistair Taylor set off for Athens.


Their chartered yacht, the MV Arvi, was detained in Crete because of bad weather, so the party had to wait in Athens for three days. Taylor complained that on a trip to a small hill village, "We came round a corner of the peaceful road only to find hundreds of photographers clicking away at us", which Mardas had organized. McCartney later said that whilst sailing around Greek islands, everybody just sat around and took LSD. They eventually found the 80-acre (320,000 m2) island of Leslo, which had a small fishing village, four beaches and a large olive grove. Four small neighboring islands surrounded it (which were planned as one for each Beatle) so the island was bought for £95,000 (with a 25% premium) but was sold for a modest profit a few months later, after all four Beatles lost interest in the idea.


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